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The Dangers Of Hot Weather Driving Conditions

Many fleet management companies and private citizens place a lot of their fear on driving during the winter months. Snow, ice, and frigid temperatures can wreak havoc on vehicles regardless of their use. Surprisingly, most accidents occur during the summer months. Aside from more people traveling, there are many factors that contribute to this. It is important to understand these factors so you can identify warning signs before you call an emergency semi-truck tire repair provider. If you unfortunately do get into an accident, don't hesitate to call an auto accident attorney for some legal consultation. If you have a case, your vehicle accident attorney will help you seek compensation for your injuries and/or property damage.


Hot temperatures cause air to expand in tight spaces. This can be devastating to all types of tires. This can be noticed easily during the transition periods from spring to summer and summer to fall. During colder months, the air gets deflated out of tires. During warmer months, air expands inside of the tires. If tires are overfilled or not properly monitored, blowouts can occur. Aside from the science of air, potholes form during the colder months and don’t get noticed until the warmer months. A lot of new potholes will be hiding on the road during the early hot days which can mess up a tire or rim easily.

Engine Temperature

Hot temperatures can put stress on engines just like frigid temperatures can. During the warmer months, engines can take a beating with rising temperatures causing inefficiencies such as oil inconsistency and coolant problems. It is important to check coolant levels and hoses to avoid overheating your engine. You should also install a car window shade to protect your car's interior from too much heat. If your engine begins to overheat while driving, pull over and give it time to cool down until you can make it home safely.


The warm months bring increased moisture into the air which calls for a lot of rainy days and opportunities for flooding. Heavy rain is a risk factor for many vehicles. Poor vision and vulnerabilities to hydroplane can make a simple commute very dangerous. It is important to avoid driving if possible when heavy storms occur. Pavement is always slipperiest during the first couple of minutes of rainfall. If hydroplaning does occur, make sure you turn into the skid so you can regain control of the vehicle. Other drivers tend to drive more dangerously as well. Rain can cause stress levels to rise which may lead some people to try to speed home. Always be aware of your surroundings when driving during a storm. If you've decided to take a shelter, you can calm yourself on

If you have any questions or concerns about summer driving, reach out to professional auto service shops. And if you own a Volkswagen that needs repair, you may visit the nearest Volkswagen repair shop in your area for professional VW Auto services.

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