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You Can’t Trust the Weather, but You Can Always Trust Your Mobile Mechanic

As a mobile mechanic service, we understand the importance of working around the clock in any weather condition. With Labor Day in the rearview, it’s important to remember that snow and ice aren’t the only elements trucking professionals need to be ready for. Blinding fog or rainstorms that bring hail, lighting and wind can be just as dangerous as a winter snowfall. Be sure to consider any minor or major repairs such as auto windshield repair or getting new auto glass installation if needed to improve your safety when driving on snowy roads.


Foggy Driving SafetyThe first thing to remember when fog rolls in or it starts to pour is to extend the space between you and the vehicle in front of you. Not only will this decrease your speed and lower the risk of hydroplaning, it will also lessen the risk of ramming into a driver who feels the need to come to a near complete halt. In fact, it’s a good idea to turn almost all of your focus towards the taillights of the driver in front of you; it will help alert you when the turns in the interstate are coming.


While it’s unlikely that you will need them, it’s a good idea to keep some spare tire chains and additional lights with you. A blown light in a rainstorm can be extremely dangerous for you and other motorists. In addition to having spare lights, fog is the best reason to clean your lights to increase your visibility. However, using your high beams is not recommended as it can make it even harder for other drivers to navigate the roadways.


A little bit of rain or fog can be managed with your defrosters and a set of windshield wipers, but it’s best to seek shelter when serious weather rolls through. By the same token, you wouldn't want to be locked out of your vehicle in bad weather either, so be careful about locking yourself out and make sure you know an automotive locksmith that you can call if it does happen.

Keeping in communication with fellow drivers is a great way to avoid unnecessary risks that will lead to truck and trailer repairs. It’s also wise to map out the best spots to safely pullover and rest during a storm – after all, rain can be a great sleep aid.

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