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Staying Prepared for Winter Breakdowns

Winter Driving - Semi TruckThe winter weather is in full swing in Michigan and there are even more cold months ahead. During this time of year, even the most experienced truckers may deal with unexpected breakdowns and roadside emergencies, so being prepared is essential.

To stay safe and warm in the event your truck is completely inoperable, we have compiled a checklist of necessary items to keep you warm while you await assistance. One of them is having a spare agm deep cycle battery in case you experience issues with your vehicle's battery while you're on the road.

Winter Gear
Even if you're dressed for the weather, it's always a good idea to bring extra hats, gloves and layers of clothing on long trips through particularly cold areas. If your truck's heating system fails, you'll be glad you packed extra winter gear for your trip!

Phone Charger & Extra Batteries

Some modern cell phones don't offer interchangeable batteries, but if yours does - make sure to bring it on your next trip! A dead cell phone can leave you with fewer options and a longer wait if you end up stranded.

Food & First Aid
Nearly all commercial rigs are equipped with First Aid kits, but make sure yours is complete and all the items inside are not expired. Some snacks and water bottles are also useful to have if you end up broke down for a long period of time.

Truck & Trailer Mobile Repair wishes you safe travels this season! If you end up stranded, Michigan's best 24/7 mobile truck repair mechanics are here for you - just dial (810) 875-1535!

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